Non Surgical Breast Lift Treatment


  • Enhance fullness of the cleavage
  • Improved skin colour, texture and tightness
  • Reduce wrinkles, vein appearance and skin sag
  • Increased breast and nipple sensitivity
  • Lift sagging breasts without the need for expensive and invasive surgery


The Laser technology stimulates collagen and elastin fibre production which helps restore and rejuvenate the dermal structures of the breast and surrounding tissue

Electrical energy is emitted from the probes and targets all the weak cells that make my tissue sag. It’s a very individual treatment. The probes read your cells and determine how much energy is needed for each one. Eventually, the cells shrink upwards and collagen is also stimulated to firm and lift the breasts (it reduces man boobs, too). It’s important to drink lots of water and eat health.

Depending on sagging you would require weekly sessions for few months followed by biweekly and then once a month for maintenance

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